This is the list of Ayrussian Fauna. Images will be entered whenever they have been created. All images below are property of the Garden.
Name: Ademander
Location/biome: Waters in/surrounding Sotea, Mountains in Jugnol.
Any special abilities: Water magic.
Summary: These graceful reptiles thrive at both land and sea. They can absorb water into their skin and keep it there for months at a time, so they have little need for constant hydration!
Name: Aigialosaurus Electrus
Location/biome: Riverbanks in Naskus.
Any special abilities: Electricity Generation - This creature generates electricity.
Summary: Behold one of the oldest creatures on Ayrus. Many believe it wasn’t always in the form it is today. It’s believed that when Goddism’s Martyr Prophet, Seuthis, imbued magic into the world, this creature gained its abilities as well. Of course, those who dispute this believe it’s been like this forever. Its body is unstable, constantly charging with electricity and discharging it. It can throw wild, untamed streams of electricity with its tail, to shock and even kill foes.
Name: Akri Luna and Sola
Location/biome: Akristan, Sereda.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These birds are common and only show up at night and day respectively. Because of this, they mate at dawn and dusk.
Name: Althean Fan-Tailed Fox
Location/biome: Grasslands in Althea.
Any special abilities: Wind Magic.
Summary: These foxes have wide-brimmed tails, with which they conjure wind! They don’t grow much past the size of a puppy, but don’t be at all fooled by that. They’re still a very capable predator, and devilishly intelligent.
Name: Althean Horned Vulture
Location/biome: Plains and deserts in Althea.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This particular bird of prey is a ruthless scavenger, and an aggressive hunter.
Name: Amber Lion
Location/biome: West Lions Plains (El Cambria), East Lions Plains (Ar Cambria).
Any special abilities: Pride and Humility - These lions recognize members of the Valthenos family as their masters, and bow before them.
Summary: These lions are the laziest of them, spending nearly three hours more than ordinary lions when it comes to basking and relaxing. Still, they can be fierce predators, especially at sunset; their hunting time of choice.
Name: Amnesian Griffon
Location/biome: Cradle of Asutra (Amnesia, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These beautiful Griffons are known to hang out near the Cradle of Asutra, often bathing and drinking from the water there.
Name: Angel Marlin
Location/biome: Seaway of Venus.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Named by the Goddist people, these fish are viewed as beautiful and divinely fortunate symbols. They’re friendly, and love to travel beside ships.
Name: Anu
Location/biome: Trinity.
Any special abilities: Dark Magic.
Summary: It’s said that this dog is an omen that change is coming. For better or worse, seeing this dog means that a metamorphosis is upon you, and that preparations are necessary. Some have rumored that it is the very hound of Death, and only appears under full moons.
Name: Arix Cheetah
Location/biome: Jungles and plains of Arixino.
Any special abilities: Sound Magic.
Summary: These cats are incredibly fast, known for their disorienting screech and beautiful pelts. They’re believed to have migrated over from Luna Baile, centuries ago. It isn’t that they couldn’t keep up with the competition; as a matter of fact, they were nearly the apex predator there. However, they simply found that prey came more easily in Arixino.
Name: Armored Lion
Location/biome: Holy Lands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This is said to be the ancestor of all current lions. It’s supposedly one of the oldest species on Ayrus, and proudly roams the holy lands as a protector. Its mane is made of iron wires.
Name: Astrathere
Location/biome: Luna Baile.
Any special abilities: Solar Energy Magic. Lunar Energy Magic. Phototherapy.
Summary: These mythical cousins to wyvernkind are actually amphitheres, and they’re named after the stars. They come in all different colors, but all of them carry an ethereal glow about them. They’re not large enough to ride, but they make for great companions, and they love music!
Name: Ashen Queen
Location/biome: Phobia.
Any special abilities: Mimicry - These creatures can mimic either the appearance or the voices of others.
Summary: This demonic creature screams as if a woman in need to lure would-be heroes, then it pins them down and eats them.
Name: Asutra’s Tiger
Location/biome: Forest of Love (Euphoria, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Gas Magic.
Summary: These tigers are capable of emitting a thick steam from their maw, and it’s said they create clouds of it to appear as though they’re vanishing. It’s said that staring into the eyes of these tigers cause vivid hallucinations, but really it’s the inhalation of the steam.
Name: Banebuffalo
Location/biome: Plains of Parthei (Parthei).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Native to Parthei, the banebuffalo are nearly twice the size of their namesake and have much bigger manes, horns and three tails. They’re quick to temper and territorial.
Name: Banewolf
Location/biome: Long Forest (Central Althea).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wolves grow to rideable sizes and hunt alone. The males have very thick fur around their necks, and females have bushier tails. However, these are large and extremely aggressive beasts.
Name: Beaded Roark
Location/biome: Long Forest (Central Althea), Great Forest (Etros).
Any special abilities: Roark Brine - This creature is capable of secreting a powerful hallucinogen, which supposedly relates to the past life of an individual. It can be compared to the experience of ingesting a goneflower.
Summary: Native to some of the greatest forests on Ayrus, these animals are typically found where goneflowers bloom. In Etros’s Great Forest, they don’t have many predators, and often have a more bountiful population—despite often living alone. In Althea’s Long Forest, however, they’re often in competition with the banewolf, and can’t really compete. However, given their feature of imploding eyes upon death, they often get out one final kick to the banewolves, as it seriously messes with their digestive systems. The differences in gender for this animal can be found in its tail; female tails are curled. Its name comes from its powerful roar-bark, which is often used to intimidate would-be competition. In rare cases, this has even run off bears and banewolves.
Name: Bearjou
Location/biome: Caves.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These bears are the smallest on Ayrus; only growing to be about 4’ tall at most. Their skin is covered by a composite made mostly of stone, with scattered mana crystals as well. These crystals often shed off, much like the stone that encompasses their skin. They feast on rocks, which are broken down in its digestive system and used to refresh their rocky coat. It’s worth noting that these creatures do not have excretory systems, since their food becomes their coat!
Name: Berry Llama
Location/biome: Grasslands in the Centerlands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This animal’s fur grows in a peculiar likeness to plants, which helps camouflage it from predators.
Name: Bird of Judgment
Location/biome: Grasslands in Naskus.
Any special abilities: Solar Energy Magic.
Summary: It is said that the glowing tail feathers of this peacock are the eyes of God/the gods. If a peacock approaches you with its tail down, you are not being judged. However, if it fans out before you, it’s a sign that you are being delivered a warning.
Name: Black Lion
Location/biome: East Lions Plains (El Cambria), West Lions Plains (Ar Cambria), Pride Mountains (Suvyn).
Any special abilities: Pride and Humility - These lions recognize members of the Valthenos family as their masters, and bow before them.
Summary: These lions hunt in small numbers, utilizing stealthier tactics than ordinary lions and ambushing in the night.
Name: Blackscale Wyvern
Location/biome: Wyvern’s Wind (Pestein), Deadlands (Taetys).
Any special abilities: Fire Magic.
Summary: These wyverns are incredibly strong and can breathe fire, though they aren’t the fastest wyverns. Their scales easily shake off arrows.
Name: Blood Sparrow
Location/biome: Raidriar.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Red ravens.
Name: Blue Tiger
Location/biome: Amnesian Jungle (Amnesia, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These tigers are, well, blue. Unlike their orange relatives, these tigers are herbivores and make for excellent companions.
Name: Bluefeather Eagle
Location/biome: Northern Heights (Troubia).
Any special abilities: Floating Cavities - These birds have an incredible system of fluid in their bodies, and they can drain said fluid in order to accommodate heavier riders.
Summary: These birds grow to rideable size and have the strength to carry riders! They do grow tired rather easily, however.
Name: Bluescale Wyvern
Location/biome: Storm Pass (Pestein).
Any special abilities: Lightning Magic.
Summary: These wyverns are very balanced in terms of strength, speed, durability, and intelligence. However, they’re not particularly the best at any of them.
Name: Brown Drake
Location/biome: Northern Mountains (Parthei).
Any special abilities: Fire Magic.
Summary: These reptiles are related to Sandcrawlers and Daybranch wyverns. They’re wingless, strong animals with the ability to breathe fire. They’re strong diggers and climbers.
Name: Budma
Location/biome: Freshwater lakes, rivers.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: They’re harmless little creatures who feast on moss.
Name: Bungee Langur
Location/biome: Esmeaun Jungle (Esmeau).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This ape has a tail that spans 23 feet in total! It uses it to hang, swing, and feel around in trees.
Name: Catori
Location/biome: Central Althea.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This creature is known to be a spirit of the woodlands, guiding lost travelers to sources of water. They are respected by the tribes which inhabit the same space as them, and are forbidden from being hunted.
Name: Central Hairline Parasite
Location/biome: Water bodies in the Centerlands
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This parasite is as thin as a strand of hair, and resides in a body of water. When animals drink from that water, they’ll feel a sensation akin to a hair caught in their mouth. By then, it’s already on its way down to the digestive tract, where it eats the organs from the inside out.
Name: Chimera
Location/biome: Manian Swamps (Mania, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Due to the mystical atmosphere in Mania, many animals often are born… Strange. Any animals born in these swamps can be born in strange amalgamations.
Name: Ciervo Soñado
Location/biome: Forests in the Centerlands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These graceful creatures appear as large plants when standing still, to lure in insects that clean their dead skin away and keep them beautiful. They’re herbivores, and very curious animals.
Name: Consumerio
Location/biome: Phobia (Phobia, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Dark Magic.
Summary: Said to have been a deformed dragon, this beast was banished by Erasmus and Vesalius for inheriting a little too much of its father’s darkness.
Name: Croba
Location/biome: Amnesian Jungle (Amnesia, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This creature exists technically in most places on Ayrus, but they’re usually the size of ants! In the Amnesian Jungle, however, they’re twice the size of a human, and quite the vicious predator.
Name: Crystalline Spider
Location/biome: Near rocks in Gloacia.
Any special abilities: Lunar Energy.
Summary: This spider’s bosom takes in energy from the moonlight and turns it into powerful mana. It can be ripped off, and the spider will regenerate a new one. What’s more, it can be eaten to replenish some mana.
Name: Dawnbranch Wyvern
Location/biome: Gnolian Mountains (Gnolia, Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wyverns are intelligent and pretty resistant to magic, living in the frigid north of Taureðel.
Name: Daybranch Wyvern
Location/biome: Trinity.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Native to Trinity, these wyverns blend in with the bright blue sky and swoop down ferociously to attack their prey.
Name: Death Fay
Location/biome: Twisted Trees (Sneena).
Any special abilities: Perfect Stillness - These animals have mastered the art of stealth. They can stand—literally—perfectly still. They are also silent.
Summary: This amalgamation of otherwise earthly animals is the fuel of nightmares. It loves the thrill of a hunt, and you’d be lucky to hear it sneaking up on you.
Name: Deer of Dessos
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Earth Magic.
Summary: These carnivorous deer are said to be vessels of the god of death in Eastern Severism. They approach silently, utilizing their control over earth magic to wrap their victims in roots.
Name: Deluna Fox
Location/biome: Deluna Jungle.
Any special abilities: Lunar Energy Magic.
Summary: These mystical animals have a beautiful cry, which sounds to be music. They act as guides in the jungle for lost travelers. They’re nocturnal, since they gain energy in the moonlight.
Name: Deluna Hyena
Location/biome: Deluna Desert.
Any special abilities: Lunar Energy Magic.
Summary: These predators soak in energy from the moon, and wander the sands of the desert in Luna Baile in the dark. They often hunt snakes during the day for food, despite not needing it.
Name: Demonio
Location/biome: Thick forests, jungles.
Any special abilities: Order Magic.
Summary: This nightmarish parasite latches onto the back of their victim’s neck, and are small enough to usually go unnoticed. Typically, the host will only feel an itch for a few days, but by the time anyone would think to get it checked, it’s already far too late. In only a few days, the demonio has tapped into the mana system of their prey, and they can then control the host’s body.
Name: Demonscale Wyvern
Location/biome: Mt. Aji (Raidriar).
Any special abilities: Decay Magic.
Summary: Smaller, less durable wyverns capable of magic. They’re neither slow nor fast in comparison to most wyverns, but they are extremely aggressive.
Name: Devil Trickster
Location/biome: Witch’s Wood (Suvyn), Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Mimicry - These creatures can mimic either the appearance or the voices of others.
Summary: These sinister predators like to torture their prey by gently tearing their flesh apart with their razor sharp teeth. They draw in their human food by screaming in a human voice for help.
Name: Docking Fish
Location/biome: Question Islands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These friendly fish are the size of bears, and they give easy passage between the islands. They are extremely playful and social, but refuse to be tied down. They love having a choice in their friendships!
Name: Doom Finch
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Reincarnation.
Summary: This rare bird is said to bring death wherever it flies. It is known to reincarnate like a Phoenix, bringing doom to those who deserve it.
Name: Dream Bug
Location/biome: Althea.
Any special abilities: Dreamgiver - These little critters are said to be able to deliver dreams to those asleep!
Summary: It’s said that a dream bug landing upon the left eyelid of someone sleeping will deliver a good dream, but one which lands on the right eyelid will deliver a nightmare. They feast on bees, so they’re found wherever bees are!
Name: Dreiseele
Location/biome: River of Achilles.
Any special abilities: Order Magic. Elemental Magic. Enchantment Magic.
Summary: These graceful, mythical creatures find home only in legends. They’re about the size of a fox, and said to be divine. They’re very capable with magic, capable of communicating with humans by using its Divinetongue, and brilliant. They’re said to age for 1,000 years. (No random encounters.)
Name: Duskbranch Wyvern
Location/biome: Pride Mountains (Suvyn).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wyverns are amethyst in color and are pretty reliable companions.
Name: Eastern Kirin
Location/biome: Countryside (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Water Magic. Flight.
Summary: These divine beasts only show themselves to those with true hearts. They’re magical creatures with strange powers. (No random encounters.)
Name: Ebri
Location/biome: Everfall Forest (Troubia), Mill Hills (Troubia), Fox Fields (Troubia).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These peaceful animals live in Troubia and enjoy the company of others. They can fly or walk, but are incapable of running.
Name: Einhorn
Location/biome: Swamps and quagmires in southern Naskus.
Any special abilities: Acid Reflux - This creature has access to very potent acids.
Summary: The einhorn is one of nature’s most proficient killers. Its internal body fluids are so acidic that its main form of defense against competition in the wild is spitting or urinating on the aggressor. Its beak, teeth, and claws are all razor sharp—but those are mostly used for chewing apart muscle or climbing trees. However, that horn on the top of its head is exactly as deadly as you think it is, and it will waste no time in making you into a kebab if you get too close!
Name: Eirglesse
Location/biome: Mountains of Draora.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These herbivores have horns said to be as hard as diamonds. Since their horns never stop growing, humans have domesticated them so they can harvest the valuable ivory that comes from their tusks.
Name: Espectro
Location/biome: Unknown.
Any special abilities: Light Magic.
Summary: These creatures pulse the colors of the spectrum in various areas of their bodies, and have control over light magic. They often cling to magic crystals and spend a lot of time grooming them into perfect spheres. They then eventually form unities with these crystals.
Name: Esprit Koi
Location/biome: The depths of the ocean.
Any special abilities: Sound Magic.
Summary: This strange aquatic animal is believed to have arrived on Ayrus upon a meteorite from outer space. The Esprit Koi is believed to be little more than a myth, but sightings have been reported across the world historically, if only scarcely. With their mastery over sound, these creatures communicate through their own language, and are even capable of learning human speech. Interestingly enough, each of these animals has their own, unique voice. The gemstones embedded in their fins act as openings for their mana circuit, so they can use their magic freely. Males are blue, females are red. With their high intelligence, these creatures tend to meet a favorable mate early on, and are most commonly seen in pairs.
Name: Feraline
Location/biome: Everfall Forest (Troubia), Amnesian Jungle (Amnesia, Question Islands), Manian Swamps (Mania, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Mana Consumption - This animal feasts off of mana.
Summary: This animal can usually be found in areas with animals known for high levels of mana, such as the Nine-Tailed Autumn Fox. They don’t need things like meat, their feeding is entirely based around the consumption of mana.
Name: Flora Moth
Location/biome: Twisted Trees (Sneena).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Often disguised as a large cocoon, this nightmarish monster uses echolocation to find out when prey lingers too near. Then, it spreads its wings and envelops the prey within them, devouring them inside of their wings.
Name: Flornya
Location/biome: Northern Sereda.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These graceful big cats look as flowers, and have thin rears to hide behind their floral mane when looked at head-on. This makes it easy to mislead and capture prey.
Name: Flutter Peacock
Location/biome: Mill Hills (Troubia).
Any special abilities: Soft Song - These birds have a tune that soothes both mind and body. It is actual magic.
Summary: These birds sing lovely tunes and love company.
Name: Four-Armed Monkey
Location/biome: Esmeaun Jungle (Esmeau, Taureðel), jungles in Sentina.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Known to scholars formally as Quadramana Simiiformes Catarrhini, this extremely territorial monkey dons, well, four arms! They live for 30 or 40 years, and often hunt in packs of 5 to 10. They’re very intelligent, and capable of using all 7 of their limbs with great dexterity. They’re prone to stealing items at will, as they’re quite fond of shiny things! They’re omnivorous, but don’t eat humans and other primates. Regardless, though, nobody wants to be caught up in a tribe war between these beasts—or anything is fair game!
Name: Feuerschlange
Location/biome: Mountains of Draora.
Any special abilities: Acid Saliva.
Summary: These large reptiles lay their eggs in beds of hot, sizzly saliva to protect them. They can grow up to 25 feet long, and can spit out a projectile saliva that can burn skin.
Name: Gateway Kirin
Location/biome: Unknown.
Any special abilities: Water Magic. Flight.
Summary: This creature doesn’t have a direct habitat. Instead, it’s known to visit shrines built for it beneath arching gateways, where it accepts offerings in secret in exchange for good luck.
Name: Gato Espectro
Location/biome: Technicolor Field (Luna Baile), Deluna Jungle (Luna Baile).
Any special abilities: Projection Magic.
Summary: Originally believed to be a ghost, these big cats were later discovered to actually simply be able to cloak themselves in light, to more easily blend into their surroundings. They’re not unfriendly, unless they’re low on mana or food. They come in all different colors, too!
Name: Geichuko
Location/biome: Pride Mountains (Suvyn), literally every mountain in Pestein.
Any special abilities: Quills - They can forcefully project their razor sharp quills as a means of defense, but they also utilize the quills on their elbows and tails to sense vibrations in the earth and locate prey, as well as gliding down mountainsides.
Summary: These large, dangerous monsters are native to the mountain ranges of Suvyn and Pestein. They glide down and climb up just as quickly. They're predators that are not to be trifled with; a human stands only to their shoulder level. Additionally, some of these beasts are venomous. The distinction between the geichuko who carry venom in their claws and the ones who do not is the color of their tongue. Geichuko with pink tongues are ordinary, but geichuko with purple tongues are venomous. And it is a miserable death to die, at the hands of their venom.
Name: Gei Nageisha
Location/biome: Caves in Astranam.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: With a name meaning “bat killer,” the Gei Nageisha is renowned for its ability to hunt down other cave-dwelling animals. It has very sensitive hearing, and can even utilize echolocation. One important thing to note is that this is not classifiable as a wyvern.
Name: Gei Severis
Location/biome: Origin Cave (Vheri).
Any special abilities: Sound Magic.
Summary: With a name which literally translates to “bat god,” a Gei Severis grows to three feet long and comes equipped with some of the most powerful magic known to Ayrus. It has enough power to level a house using nothing but soundwaves, and can see far beyond the limits of its eyes using echolocation.
Name: Gesda
Location/biome: Spore Forest (Utrein), Stemwind Forest (Utrein), Homeroot (Utrein), Fogfae Swamp (Utrein), Leafhall City (Utrein), Deluna Jungle (Luna Baile).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This peculiar creature has an extremely strong tail, which is six to eight times larger than its body! It uses it to fight, build dens, and navigate trees. They feast on seeds and nuts, which crack easily under its beak. They’ve domesticated themselves alongside humans many ages ago, and offer companionship in exchange for a good source of food.
Name: Giga Bear
Location/biome: Southern Woodlands (Sneena).
Any special abilities: Strong Scent - These animals have an astounding sense of smell. Supernaturally astounding.
Summary: These giant, antlered bears have the strongest sense of smell in the world. They’re familiar with the scent of their own continent, and have such a strong sense of smell that they can actually locate anything within it if they have a way to familiarize themselves with its scent.
Name: Glass Monkey
Location/biome: Amnesian Jungle (Amnesia, Question Islands), Forest of Love (Euphoria, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Weaving - The ability to blend into one’s surroundings.
Summary: Similarly to the glass wyvern, these monkeys can weave into their surroundings and change their palette.
Name: Glass Wyvern
Location/biome: Amnesian Jungle (Amnesia, Question Islands), Spirit Lake (Amnesia, Question Islands), Forest of Love (Euphoria, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Weaving - The ability to blend into one's surroundings. Laser Magic.
Summary: These wyverns possess the incredible ability to perfectly blend in with their surroundings at will. They can control whatever color they want to look like, and possess the ability to fire off beams of light—also at whatever color they choose.
Name: Greenscale Wyvern
Location/biome: Greenscale Breeding Grounds (Etros).
Any special abilities: Rattle - These wyverns can unlace their scales and rattle them on command, which makes for a very threatening noise and appearance.
Summary: A very intelligent and aggressive breed of wyvern. They have incredible senses and high speeds, but low strength and durability. They give live birth. They’re known to be the most territorial of all wyverns and are also known to be perfectionists. They abandon any young they deem imperfect. A group of greenscales is known as a swarm.
Name: Greil Fox
Location/biome: Deserts in Sereda and Akristan.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These foxes are native to Sereda and Akristan. They're very quick and deceiving, with wits outdoing even some humans. They’re renowned for stealing valuable items from passersby, and decorating themselves with it. Males are black and white, females are orange and red.
Name: Guaria
Location/biome: Mountain ranges in the Centerlands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These strange beasts are nocturnal, and often hunt by skewering something with their horns before eating them.
Name: Hallow Fox
Location/biome: Everfall Forest (Troubia).
Any special abilities: Silent Steps - This fox walks in perfect silence. Fire Magic.
Summary: These creatures walk in complete silence, and they only come out on foggy nights. They are said to guide lost travelers through the forests with the bright flames they can conjure.
Name: Hammertail Wyvern
Location/biome: Fitii Desert (Utrein).
Any special abilities: Rattle - These wyverns can unlace their scales and rattle them on command, which makes for a very threatening noise and appearance.
Summary: Distantly related to Greenscale Wyverns, these large and aggressive wyverns share the quality of being a viper; which means they give live birth. They come bearing strong wings and a very heavy tail, which they can use to slam into prey and knock them dead. They also share the Rattle feature with greenscales; though to a much lesser intensity, as they have thicker, more armored scales that do not overlap. It sounds like a much deeper, slower beat than the tambourine-esque sound of greenscales.
Name: Harpy
Location/biome: Witch’s Wood (Suvyn), Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Strong Scent - These animals have an astounding sense of smell. Supernaturally astounding.
Summary: These evil creatures prey on the fear of others. They can smell blood from up to 20 miles away.
Name: Herbal Leopard
Location/biome: Stemwind Forest (Utrein), Homeroot (Utrein), Fogfae Swamp (Utrein).
Any special abilities: Perfect Stillness - These animals have mastered the art of stealth. They can stand—literally—perfectly still. They are also silent.
Summary: These leopards come with the appearance of a steady shrub, but ambush hunt with a ferocity unlike anything in its area.
Name: Hollow Owl
Location/biome: Northern Heights (Troubia), Everfall Forest (Troubia), Southern Woodlands (Sneena).
Any special abilities: Perfect Stillness - These animals have mastered the art of stealth. They can stand—literally—perfectly still. They are also silent.
Summary: These birds are quite intelligent and friendly at night, but they can get quite snippy when the sun is up. They’re only rideable in their adult stage.
Name: Hook-Knot Wyvern
Location/biome: Everywhere in Utrein.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: The smallest of the rideable wyverns, these friendly wyverns mostly stick to eating insects. They keep the airspace clean of a lot of pests in Utrein, and sometimes keep the locals company. They often don’t fly around the Fitii Desert, as to avoid the much more aggressive Hammertail Wyvern.
Name: Horned Lion
Location/biome: River Tacity (Central Althea).
Any special abilities: Water Magic.
Summary: These are mythical water spirits, rumored not even to exist! However, some people say they’ve seen them in a very hidden away location… (No random encounters.)
Name: Horned Mandrill
Location/biome: Forests in Taureðel, forests in Naskus.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This ape is particularly aggressive, but can usually be calmed by some good music. In their free time, families of horned mandrills can sometimes be found creating their own songs. These soothe their babies.
Name: Hydrask
Location/biome: The depths of the ocean.
Any special abilities: Hydroelectricity Magic.
Summary: These vicious predators generate electricity in several areas of their bodies, and they glow to illuminate the sea. However, they can also expel this energy into water, and then control that water. They paralyze their prey before eating them.
Name: Ignico (Blue Devil)
Location/biome: Valleys, grasslands, riverbanks.
Any special abilities: Magic.
Summary: These guys grow to be about 2 feet tall at max, but usually are only able to be found between that and a foot in adulthood. They’re known as the Blue Devil for their skin coloration, ability to swim incredibly quickly (and they don’t run so slow, either!), and their capacity with magic. They have a mana system that is quite capable, and similarly to how humans can have 1 of 6 potential elements, Ignico lizards are born with 1 specific branch of all existing known ones!
Name: Inibre
Location/biome: Noclar, Esmeau, and Lethia (Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These stunning animals are nocturnal, and the golden patterns on their backs glow in the moonlight. This creates an allure for their prey, which they quickly attack and kill.
Name: Jackalope
Location/biome: Aphasian Woodland (Aphasia, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This breed of hare has antlers, and stands to just under knee level.
Name: Jellydragon
Location/biome: The depths of the ocean.
Any special abilities: Liquid Toxins Magic.
Summary: These graceful creatures roam the vast oceans and fend off predators with their control over poison. They’re very intelligent and peaceful beings, with no need for food.
Name: Jörm
Location/biome: Waters in/around Nortea.
Any special abilities: Flight. Water Magic.
Summary: This draconic serpent roams around the continent of Nortea by sea. It’s vicious, and has the power to cause strong waves with its every stroke.
Name: Kanzaki
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This demonic creature hunts humans simply because it loves the taste of it. Kanzaki have no sense of hunger, but they thoroughly enjoy the taste of human flesh.
Name: Kelupa
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This fox and monkey-like creature has heightened senses and lets out a giggle sound when it growls. It often sounds as if it's tormenting its prey when it grunts at them.
Name: King Ray
Location/biome: The depths of the ocean.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These creatures are apex predators, and arguably the fastest swimmers in the water. They grow to be roughly 14 feet long, and 8 feet across. However, they still are fearless when it comes to taking on creatures far bigger than them. They’ll use their incredible speeds to crash into their foes with their steel exo-skull, then use the enemy’s daze to bite into them.
Name: Lake Otter
Location/biome: Rivers and lakes in the Centerlands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This great otter spans up to 12 feet! It can swim incredibly fast, and enjoys exercising. They’re social creatures, and they can use their long whiskers to sense movement nearby.
Name: Laughing Fox
Location/biome: Holy Lands.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This is one of the oldest species on Ayrus, and it got its name from its ever-present smile and the sound it makes, which is reminiscent of laughter. Believe it or not, this is what they were supposed to look like! Many believe this now rare species to have dominated the grasslands of the world at one point, and to have been the common ancestor to all foxes known today.
Name: Lethian Macaque
Location/biome: Lethia (Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This particular monkey is known for its brutality. It’s been rumored that it can lift a man above its head and tear him in half. This is the sworn rival to Lethian Mandrills.
Name: Lethian Mandrill
Location/biome: Lethia (Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These monkeys don’t play around. They’re extremely territorial, swift, and strong. They’re the sworn rivals to Lethian Macaques.
Name: Lethian Spotted Panther
Location/biome: Lethia (Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These cats are ambush hunters. They climb trees and drop down upon their prey, clutching at their necks until their life is drained.
Name: Lethian War Gorilla
Location/biome: Lethia (Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Blending in with the busy life of the Taurelian Royal House, these gorillas live to serve the nobles and dislike any invaders.
Name: Libramare
Location/biome: Phobia.
Any special abilities: Death Mark - If it sees you, you are destined to die.
Summary: These creatures are absolute nightmares. Once one sees you, there is no escaping. Death comes.
Name: Lipa
Location/biome: Luna Baile.
Any special abilities: Color Magic.
Summary: These beautiful creatures are known for their laugh. That’s right! They produce a strange, distorted sound that comes off as an otherworldly giggle. It’s nothing short of adorable, and it befits their playful personality.
Name: Lucky Swallow
Location/biome: Forests in Althea, the Centerlands, Naskus, and Sotea.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These are somewhat common birds, but seeing one pass overhead is said to be good luck!
Name: Lufthund
Location/biome: Mountains of Draora, Dieter Riverside (Draora).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Prized for their fabulously colored plumage, Lufthund are popular pets for the wealthy. They’re about the size of a horse, and the creatures are known to be noble but dangerous. Watch that beak!
Name: Magnet Fox
Location/biome: Island of the Pixie.
Any special abilities: Magnet Rise - This animal causes strange, magnetic fields when it wakes.
Summary: This mythical creature is ageless, and has magnetic skin. When it wakes up, the magnetic field surrounding it activates and causes strange reactions.
Name: Manaphant
Location/biome: Jungles in Esmeau, jungles in Scandovia, Forest of Love (Euphoria).
Any special abilities: Barrier Coat - The skin of these animals is extremely resistant to magic.
Summary: These behemoths of nature are excessively rare, presumed even to be extinct. They’re extremely resistant to magic and physical force, and have immense strength. They live near jungles and feast greatly on them. It’s said that where one dies, great trees sprout and grow for centuries.
Name: Mana Roe
Location/biome: Woodlands in Taureðel.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These tiny deer grow mana crystals on their back rather than antlers. The more crystals one has, the more attractive one is to a mate. Each year, these animals shed their crystals and grow new ones, leaving behind real mana crystals! However, the rates of hunting has only been rising for these serene creatures, and they’ve been declining in recent years.
Name: Megasparrow
Location/biome: Northern Heights (Troubia),
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This giant bird reigns over the skies in the territories where it roosts. It’s incredibly swift, territorial, and brutal to its prey. With its long, thick tail and its incredible agility, this bird can flip itself in the middle of the air and slam its tail upon prey to crush them.
Name: Monochrome Fetch
Location/biome: Northern Heights (Troubia), Capiston Mountains (Capiston, Taureðel), Northern Sereda.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These birds are both beautiful and intelligent. They are loving animals who soar at incredible speeds.
Name: Moth Denox
Location/biome: Grasslands in Althea, Taureðel, and Naskus.
Any special abilities: Anti-Magic Dust - The dust shed from this moths wings, when inhaled, makes it difficult to cast magic.
Summary: This is the king of the moth world. It comes ready with several patterns to intimidate both prey and predators, and dust which renders magic mostly useless in the animal kingdom. Some also say seeing one is the mark that you’ll soon meet a great friend—one who may change your world forever.
Name: Myp
Location/biome: Rivers in Astranam.
Any special abilities: Waterproof!
Summary: These small, ferret-like creatures make tunnels beside bodies of water and feast on fish. They’re quick to flee in confrontation. They have thick, waterproof fur, which make for excellent coats.
Name: Naskussi Fan-Tailed Fox
Location/biome: Grasslands in Naskus.
Any special abilities: Wind Magic.
Summary: These foxes have wide-brimmed tails, with which they conjure wind! They don’t grow much past the size of a puppy, but don’t be at all fooled by that. They’re still a very capable predator, and devilishly intelligent.
Name: Naskussi Horned Vulture
Location/biome: Plains and deserts in Naskus.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This particular bird of prey is a ruthless scavenger, and an aggressive hunter.
Name: Naskussi Myp
Location/biome: Riverbanks in Naskus.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These little guys share the waterproof fur of their Astranamese cousins, but also don sharp antlers! They use these to hollow out trees, in which they make their dens. Unlike their cousins, these myps can be quite open to fighting for their territory, and will use the antlers in combat if necessary.
Name: Nightbranch Wyvern
Location/biome: Southern Mountains (Pestein).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wyverns are known to be social and graceful in their flight. Sporting a thin and long body, they’re known to be very agile.
Name: Nine-Tailed Autumn Fox
Location/biome: Everfall Forest (Troubia).
Any special abilities: Barrier Coat - The fur of these foxes is extremely resistant to magic. They can also cast magic at the same proficiency as humans.
Summary: These foxes are native to Troubia and are known to be one of the smartest creatures in the world. They are capable of magic, and have very magic-resistant muscle and fur.
Name: Northern Kirin
Location/biome: Mountains in Jugnol.
Any special abilities: Earth Magic.
Summary: The Northern Kirin wanders the mountains of Jugnol with grace, testing those who wish to press deeper into the land with their power and finesse.
Name: Pectamidori
Location/biome: Victoria, Melori, Capiston.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: A bird of prey that soars low in the sky with its pack. The pattern on its rear side creates intrigue in their prey, to distract them before turning and swooping in.
Name: Phantom Falcon
Location/biome: Woodlands in Sneena.
Any special abilities: Shadow Sneaker - This creature can travel into and out of shadows.
Summary: This creature is a magnificent predator, capable of vanishing into shadows and leaping out to become tangible again and strike.
Name: Pixilotl
Location/biome: Ponds and rivers within forests in Naskus.
Any special abilities: Water Magic.
Summary: This adorable little creature fits in the palm of your hand! It spends most of its time purifying water in forests, and loves to play around. One of its favorite activities is blowing bubbles! Because of this, a sky filled with bubbles is a good sign they’re near.
Name: Plains Lions
Location/biome: East Lions Plains (El Cambria), West Lions Plains (Ar Cambria).
Any special abilities: Pride and Humility - These lions recognize members of the Valthenos family as their masters, and bow before them.
Summary: These lions, comparatively to those in Lethia, are a bit larger, stronger, and faster. They’re native to the Cambrian Plains.
Name: Polychrome Fetch
Location/biome: Forest of Love (Euphoria, Question Islands), Spirit Lake (Euphoria, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Stunning Feathers - The feathers of these birds are said to be magically attractive and captivating to all eyes.
Summary: These birds are elegant, beautiful, and intelligent. They can soar at incredible speeds, and are very peaceful. It’s said that wearing one of its feathers will enchant the first person to gaze upon the wearer with infatuation.
Name: Poison Dart Wyvern
Location/biome: Rainforests in Naskus.
Any special abilities: Liquid Toxins Magic.
Summary: This is the smallest of all known wyverns on Ayrus; too small to ride—though, no sane human would ever dare mount something so poisonous! The patterns on its back let bigger threats know that it is toxic, and it has enough poison in the mucus on its skin to kill 800 humans. Only the membranes that are brightly colored carry this poison, as weak scales cover the rest. This skin can be red, blue, yellow, and purple. These wyverns are also known to be rather lazy, sometimes simply poking prey with its tail to lay it dead.
Name: Priest Falcon
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Mimicry - These creatures can mimic either the appearance or the voices of others.
Summary: These birds look to be clergy, but feed on human flesh. Their cries sound like foreign preaches to pull in prey.
Name: Prismic Dragonfly
Location/biome: Holy Lands.
Any special abilities: Prism Coat - This animal is protected by a layer of material that is resistant to magic.
Summary: This insect predates all of the modern dragonflies. While they used to be plentiful, they’ve been outnumbered by their descending, common species, and their numbers now dwindle. Even so, these magnificent creatures are bioluminescent and radiate beautiful colors. Their exoskeleton is so resistant to magic that they are nigh untouchable by it, but they’re quite physically brittle. It’s said being visited by one of these is a symbol of good fortune and that they can enter dreams!
Name: Redscale Wyvern
Location/biome: Billowing Pathway (Taetys), Stairway to Heaven (Taetys), Deadlands (Taetys).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wyverns are known to be very opinionated. They’re compassionate to anybody they deem a friend, and merciless to anything they deem a foe. They’re often mischievous, and are known to toy with their prey.
Name: Ribbon Bee
Location/biome: Grasslands.
Any special abilities: Mana Sonar - This animal can sense someone’s magical ability.
Summary: These strange creatures are born the size of bees, and grow to be the size of house cats. Their name comes from the ribbon-like trail of pollen they leave behind as they travel from flower to flower. Using the antennae on their forehead, they can sense the strength of someone's magic. They’re said to be symbols of good fortune.
Name: Ryuryu Gatogato
Location/biome: Unknown.
Any special abilities: Wind Magic.
Summary: Seen as little more than myth, these beautiful creatures are said to be divine, and intelligent enough to understand human speech. They’re said to be quite weird, and to have whimsical personalities.
Name: Sable Wallaby (Sable Horst)
Location/biome: Mountains, caves, and plains in Pestein.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This marsupial grows to be about two feet tall, and they live for approximately 20 years. Its fur can pick up on acute changes to the weather, and its tail helps it remain balanced and can detect vibrations nearby. Using its extremely durable claws, it can swiftly climb and sprint, and it can even hang from cave ceilings. They also use these claws to crack open wyvern eggs and eat the young. They will often take their skulls and wear them as trophies. Beneath that mask, though, they look like a regular wallaby if it had a flatter face. Most everyone knows the Sable Wallaby nowadays as the Sable Horst, as a reference to Pestein’s infamous Wyvern Eater.
Name: Salamandrius Primus
Location/biome: Plume Altar (Sereda), Holy Land of Fire.
Any special abilities: Fire Magic.
Summary: Known to be the first salamanders, these fiery creatures can ignite something at the touch.
Name: Saltwater Budma
Location/biome: Saltwater coasts.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: They’re harmless little creatures who feast on coral.
Name: Sandcrawler
Location/biome: Deserts of Scandovia.
Any special abilities: Thermal Vision.
Summary: These animals are related to wyverns. They don’t have wings or legs, but they do have arms, vicious teeth, and a body made just for speeding around underground. They have thermal vision and echolocation, and can locate prey precisely from underground. They’re ambush hunters because of this.
Name: Schwarze
Location/biome: Mountains in Draora.
Any special abilities: Night Sighted - Optimal vision in darkness.
Summary: These large, predatory cats have impeccable vision in the night and stalk their prey silently. They typically hunt eirgliess, and their tactics when hunting are to wound prey and then utilize their excellent stamina to stalk them until death. They hunt typically in small packs of up to 4.
Name: Seamare
Location/biome: The depths of the ocean.
Any special abilities: Water Magic. Flight.
Summary: These peaceful creatures don’t spend a lot of time in one place. They usually migrate for their entire lives, searching for a mate. It’s okay if it takes a while to find one, because their litters number in the thousands!
Name: Seerionoxibileg
Location/biome: Plains in the Cambrias.
Any special abilities: Unity Creation - These animals can form unities. They can also cast magic at the same proficiency as humans.
Summary: These creatures are cousins of the seerionoxus. They are land animals and found in northern Cambria, capable of using weaponry and even obtaining unities and casting magic. They are devastatingly powerful creatures.
Name: Seerionoxus
Location/biome: Thunderlands (Troubia).
Any special abilities: Synchronize - A feature in which, after bonding with a rider, the bird’s eyes change color to match the rider’s. It is then bound for life, and can have no other partner. They are also masters of air magic.
Summary: These giant draco-birds roost in the Thunderlands of northern Troubia. An average human is only about the size of their foot. The males are black, and the females are white. These creatures are capable of air magic and fly faster than any other creature in the world. In order to achieve synchronization, the seerionoxus will attempt to kill its rider.
Name: Sentinel
Location/biome: Aphasian Woodland (Aphasia, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These ancient golems are passive, created long ago yet still able to sustain life today. They don’t do much but walk around, silently.
Name: Seredish Mustang
Location/biome: Grasslands in Sereda.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These graceful creatures are actually not mustangs. They’re more akin to mules than anything else—in size, at least. They’re not as sturdy as a mule, nor fast as a horse, but what they lack in those departments, they make up for in intelligence. They’re capable of creating a deep bond with a rider, and can understand names, orders, and emotions.
Name: Seredish Owlynx
Location/biome: Northern Sereda.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Native to Sereda, these creatures pose as normal owls and attack any who make the mistake of coming too close.
Name: Setana
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Mimicry - These creatures can mimic either the appearance or the voices of others.
Summary: These creatures have magical staves that let them wear any face.
Name: Silverback Lion
Location/biome: East Lions Plains (El Cambria), West Lions Plains (Ar Cambria).
Any special abilities: Pride and Humility - These lions recognize members of the Valthenos family as their masters, and bow before them.
Summary: The Silverback Lion dons a brighter coat than most and grows slightly larger than the other types of lions around it.
Name: Sirenbird
Location/biome: Cities in warm climates.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These birds stay in groups, most of the time. However, their name comes from the fact that they can supposedly sense danger. When they do, they panic, and immediately try to fly directly away from the source. Because of this, they often bump into one another and scatter around the sky while trying to get away from something they deem dangerous. Many superstitious people subscribe to the accuracy of this supposed sense.
Name: Snaptor
Location/biome: Freshwater lakes in Naskus, swamps in Naskus.
Any special abilities: Water Magic. Supernatural Eyesight. Supernatural Smell.
Summary: The snaptor’s ferocious appearance invokes caution to many, but it’s typically not aggressive unless provoked. Native to large bodies of fresh water with plenty of fish to feast on, it dwells beneath the surface to attack its next prey. It harbors gills, which allows it to breathe underwater while awaiting prey. Its powerful senses of sight and smell coupled with its ability to utilize water magic makes the snaptor an apex predator in its environment, but it still spends most of its time indifferent to the creatures around it. Despite what most would say, these creatures want less to do with you than you do with it. Most reported attacks were caused by mothers protecting eggs, or hunters hoarding their prey.
Name: Solar Fox
Location/biome: Arixino, Akristan.
Any special abilities: Solar Energy Magic.
Summary: These beautiful foxes have a molecular structure that changes based on their mana. They feast off of sunlight, and when they need to get rid of excess mana, their bodies will begin to act as a literal flame. It begins from their tails and whiskers, and takes over more of their body depending on how much heat they need to expel. Because of this, they can only go to sleep in shaded areas, or else they’ll have too much energy to rest. When sleeping, their bodies cool and their fur is all black.
Name: Spectral Fox
Location/biome: Southern Naskus.
Any special abilities: Loveglow - These foxes have a spectacular, biological reaction when in the presence of their mate. Their fur begins to surge with the colors of the spectrum!
Summary: If you don’t believe in soulmates, perhaps you should look to the Spectral Fox. These foxes grow up with a fully red palette, but when they meet their mate, their fur glows and surges with the colors of the rainbow. It’s not a form of magic, it’s actually a form of bioluminescence which activates when inhaling the pheromones of their mate!
Name: Spore Bat
Location/biome: West Lions Plains (El Cambria), East Lions Plains (Ar Cambria), Creyne (Ar Cambria).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These bats have rocky bodies that appear to be fur. When a predator chomps on them, their teeth may shatter. Then the bats latch onto them and suck them of their blood.
Name: Spring Phoenix
Location/biome: Phoenix Spring (Ashara).
Any special abilities: Enchanting Feathers - The feathers of this creature can give power to an item.
Summary: Phoenixes without flames. These are native to Ashara in the southern forest. They only show themselves to those with true hearts, and their feathers are said to be extremely magical. (No random encounters.)
Name: Stonescale Wyvern
Location/biome: Southern Mountains (Pestein).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wyverns blend into the eastern mountains. They’re the slowest wyvern but have the strongest claws.
Name: Storm Reindeer
Location/biome: Forests in Taureðel.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These reindeer have particularly large antlers, and are known to be quite strong. They mostly appear after heavy rain.
Name: Summer Griffon
Location/biome: Northern Sereda.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These griffons love to bask in the sun. They can be seen often lazing about, until the time for hunting comes. Then, they are fearsome predators.
Name: Tailed Owl (Meowl)
Location/biome: Literally any grassland with a good source of food and water.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Meowls are ambush hunters to predominantly rodents, friendly to those who they see as good sources of food, and make for excellent traveling companions. They can see perfectly in the dark and have an excellent sense of smell and they're very intelligent to boot. They're obligate carnivores, but some strange specimens might also enjoy fruit or vegetables. Like most predators, Tailed Owls tend to be nocturnal. They can grow to be as big as a lion or tiger, but most die before they reach this point. These aptly named Elder Meowls may serve as steeds. Despite being predators, meowls are known to be quite sociable, and stories of them harming humans are rare.
Name: Troubian Luna and Sola
Location/biome: Troubia.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These birds are common and only come out at night and day respectively, so they mate at dawn and dusk.
Name: Utreinese Hornbill
Location/biome: Forests in Utrein.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These admittedly unsettling birds are said to be bad omens. Even predators usually avoid them.
Name: Valclaw Wyvern
Location/biome: Nid Astra (Rêver, Renvoia).
Any special abilities: Light Magic.
Summary: This beautiful wyvern is the only of its kind known to be feathered! It has some weak potency with magic, but they’re very agile and very friendly.
Name: Venelian Lace
Location/biome: Snowy plains in Taureðel.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: This mystical horse sports thick hair to keep it warm in cold climates, and sports a feather-like sleeve on its forelegs, to help it brace winds, cold weather, and up/downhill travel.
Name: Vessel Bat
Location/biome: Dark Forest (Ashara).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These blood-suckers don't only enjoy the taste of blood, they much prefer to slowly munch on all parts of living beings.
Name: Vheri Falcon
Location/biome: Vheri.
Any special abilities: Flash - This animal can emit a quick, blinding flash of light.
Summary: This beautiful falcon is often confused for a shooting star, thanks to its beautiful color scheme and its ability to create light. Its feathers have a faint glow to them.
Name: Vulture Fetch
Location/biome: The Savannas of Taureðel.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: Behold the apex of all fetches. These birds dwarf other fetches by several feet, have much stronger wings, and much sharper beaks. They’re mostly scavengers, buddying up with other vulture species and offering protection and numbers. However, when scavenging isn’t an option, these beaks can crack open skulls, and the birds are strong enough to lift prey up with ease and drop them to their deaths.
Name: Wayward Kirin
Location/biome: Spirit Lake (Euphoria, Question Islands).
Any special abilities: Water magic. Flight.
Summary: These beautiful creatures can walk on water, and are said only to appear before those with a worthy heart. (No random encounters.)
Name: Western Serpent
Location/biome: Western Break (Esmeau, Taureðel).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: A massive snake native to the Western Break in Taureðel. It’s quick and very powerful, as well as lethally venomous. It can spray venom at its targets. However, it has sensitive eyes and cowers away from bright lights. These serpents like to sleep on the sides of a river, and can reach up to 60 feet in length.
Name: White Lady Fetch (Achrome Fetch)
Location/biome: Southern Naskus.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: The White Lady is the smallest and thinnest of all fetches. Its discoverer coined it the White Lady for its color and its thin, delicate frame and graceful flight. Of course, once people started learning of other fetches, some gave it the name Achrome Fetch, to match the scheme of other species names.
Name: Whistler Wyvern
Location/biome: Mountains in Pestein, mountains in Draora.
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These are gliding wyverns. They scale the tall mountains and leap off, gliding to catch birds.
Name: Whitescale Wyvern
Location/biome: Aurora Mountains (Stailia).
Any special abilities: -
Summary: These wyverns are incredibly strong and intelligent. They’re known to be the swiftest and most durable wyverns on Ayrus.
Name: Widow Witch
Location/biome: Phobia.
Any special abilities: Illusion Magic.
Summary: These are not women. They’re vile, demonic, evil spiders capable of casting illusions. They lure prey in and, as they’re distracted, tie string around their neck and hang them. Then, they only eat the stomachs of their victims and leave the rest to rot.
Name: Winter Griffon
Location/biome: Aurora Mountains (Stailia).
Any special abilities: Perfect Stillness - These animals have mastered the art of stealth. They can stand—literally—perfectly still. They are also silent.
Summary: All white and sporting multiple, feathered tails, these griffons blend in with the snowy mountains they call home.
Name: Wogmung
Location/biome: Draora.
Any special abilities: Gas Chambers - These creatures have foul smelling sacs on the backs of the adults. It is extremely flammable and sticky.
Summary: These moth-like creatures burrow in the ground under dead flora, they can get anywhere between 2-3 feet tall. Stepping on one is likely to release the sticky sap on your foot. The smell will stay on you for days, attracting all kinds of Wogmung larvae to burrow into your skin if you don’t clean it off quick enough!
Name: Zyrfriege
Location/biome: Alt Sea.
Any special abilities: Venomous Spikes - Armed with spikes that can release a paralyzing venom into prey.
Summary: Renowned as the Clearwater Killer, zyrfrieges are an apex predator in their ecosystems. Sporting four arms with sharp claws and opposable thumbs, four tentacles, a razor sharp beak, and venomous spikes, this beast was made to kill. Using the psychedelic patterns on its skin, it’ll entrance its prey before capturing them in their tentacles and restricting them to be eaten.